Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Posting A Comment

Someone recently asked how to leave a comment on this blog, and I answered in an indirectly routed email. I don't get a lot of comments on this blog. That worries me, at times. Who know what that may mean? Seems like there should be more, because like me, everyone has a boatload of opinions.
But maybe it is the comment process itself that is the problem. My instructions on posting a comment on this blog can be found below.

Posting A Comment
1. Click on the Comment link at the bottom of the page. The Comment link is cleverly disguised among other text, as shown below.

2. The Comments text box will open. To enter your comment, remark, or rumination, click in the text box, then type. It'll help if you stay on topic, though. I know very little about many things, including aerospace engineering, French cooking, and Pre-Columbian American pottery, but topics I've written about are probably safe...

3. When you're done typing, "Select a Profile" from the Comment as drop-down list, as shown below. "Anonymous" works if you don't have one of the accounts listed.
You can sign the comment in the text box, of course (or not). 

4. When you're ready, you can post the comment by clicking on the Post Comment button.
The comment will be routed via email through me. It may take a few hours (or a day or two, if I'm off shooting) for me to see the email, so there may be some time lag before it is public. 

You can also Preview your comment before posting it by clicking on the Preview button. The preview dialog box will open (below). You can post from this dialog box, in addition to the one above.

So,comment away. If you like something, hate something, or both, let everyone know about it...

1 comment:

  1. Getting people to share their comments is like "pulling teeth" as my mother likes to say. Actually, dear old mom tried to comment on my blog but apparently needs the instructions above as it was unsuccessful ;-)
